Humble servant of the Nation

Neil Prakash is about to enter years of hell

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Australian terrorist Neil Prakash is before the Turkish courts. It is just the beginning of his punishment. Eventually, it is hoped he be returned to Australia to face punishment for his crimes.

Born in Melbourne of Fijian and Cambodian parents, the 25-year-old is an Australian citizen and so he’s our problem but like patrons at the deli counter at Woolworths, Australia will have to take a number and wait to get its hands on Prakash.

He is, to employ the vernacular, in more shit than a Werribee duck. I could be more sensitive and suggest he’s in more strife than the early settlers but I don’t think the early settlers ever did it as tough as he soon will.

Full column here.


  • Razor says:

    And what’s this conservative rubbish from a mob who are supposed to be libertarians?

    They’re supposed to be running the country!

  • LouoTOD says:

    Speaking of years of hell, how long do we have to put up with the manic rants about football from Patrick Smith. He’s got a chip on his shoulder that Dismayed would be in awe of.

    His article in today’s Aus is headed “The year the experts got it all wrong”. He then goes on to reference “the Lions started under Guy McKenna” before linking to Chris Fegan, now coach of Bribane, “Chris Fegan is now in control”.

    McKenna had assistant roles at West Coast, Collingwood and now Essendon. His only senior role was at the Gold Coast Suns. job he got sacked from after four years building a competitive outfit.

    Smith can be exempted as no expert, but he certainly got it wrong. Someone should point out to him there are two sides north of the Tweed.

  • BASSMAN says:

    Abbott recently told Hate Radley (2GBiased) the parliament could not vote on same sex marriage because the present policy was taken to an election and “To dump the plebiscite would be a breach of faith with the people”. On the eve of the 2013 election, Abbott also said “I want to give people this absolute assurance – no cuts to education, no cuts to health, no changes to pensions….and no cuts to the ABC or SBS”. All of these ‘articles of faith with the people’ and many more, were broken soon after Abbott was elected PM. This man lost his job because he abused his covenant with the people-a breach of faith.

    • Razor says:

      Bassy would that be like ‘No carbon tax under a government I lead’…….

      • Dismayed says:

        “There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead, but let me be clear. I will be putting a price on carbon and I will move to an emissions trading scheme.”
        The full quote for those of you with very short attention spans or a pathological need to misinform due to your inferiority complex. We know there was no Carbon Tax because former PM Credlin told us it was all just a dishonest attack

      • Bella says:

        Yes Razor, a breach of faith is a breach of faith.
        All of them lie. We’ve got our own rolled gold sell-out of Labor’s voter base in Palaszczuk, a woman whose campaign was all about protecting the GBR and the promise of renewables investment.
        Now she’s touting filfthy coal like a regressive conservative for a couple of regional seats & a few hundred jobs, maybe.

        I noticed you said you may vote Labor next time mate so in the interests of our friendly blog, I’ll give you the heads-up.
        She will lose because of the Adani scam & The Reef.
        Massive disillusionment in voterland will be her undoing and she so deserves all the contempt she’s created.
        Cheers, Bella

        • Razor says:

          Well a vote for the LNP is a vote for Adani Bella so what do you suggest is going to play out?

          • Bella says:

            I’m guessing the Fibs might get over but there’ll have to be more land clearing to make those brown paper bags the Libnats use to do all their business.
            Who cares anyways?
            None of those snakes speak for me.

      • BASSMAN says:

        U are not reading your own party’s stuff Son. Credlin said there never was a carbon tax but we made it into one:-

  • JackSprat says:

    And so will go many other jobs and industries if we do not rein in spiraling electricity prices.

    We are such a clever country at times – I think not!

    • Boadicea says:

      Anyone thinking of opening or expanding a business in this country needs their head read right now – we will start seeing them move offshore in droves

      • Dismayed says:

        Oh yes why would business want to continue making Record profits when unit input costs are a low levels. PFFFT Wake up.

    • Razor says:

      We never had to go with the big money into renewables. Our coal based energy system was going fine. Cheap, functional and reliable. Enter the green left and heavily subsidised renewables and what did we get? High electricity prices, our manufacturing industries on their knees and the loss of innumerable full time jobs. This from a country whose so called emissions mean nothing to the environment. Typical of the left it’s about the theory not the practice.

      • Dismayed says:

        Oh yes 97% of the Scientific community, NASA, the CSIRO and every Meteorological society or bureau and big business looking at risk are involved a huge conspiracy. You are delusional and or pathologically dishonest.

      • Dismayed says:

        Sigh. the largest price increases in the last decade have been in QLD, VIc and NSW. Check the Newscorp commissioned report by the ANU. It Proves again as have several AEMO reports and the Coalition Finkel review (using out dated data with renewable costs ridiculously high) that the states with Renewables have had lower price Rises. You continue to reject Data, Research and Facts for your won ideological fantasy.

        • Razor says:

          Qld Labor did no work to infrastructure before selling off. So investment ad to be made. You also play a very naughty game using peak prices instead of average prices. I provided a graph from AEMO which destroyed u last time we argued this so piss off please. You interest me none!

          • Lou oTOD says:

            Confirmed today, electricity price rise this week will see SA overtake Denmark as having the highest energy prices in the world.

            Congratulations Dismayed and South Australia. You have finally won something, even if it’s not worth winning. A business opportunity for you in candle dispensers, go for it.

      • Dismayed says:

        The RET makes up 3.1% of electricity bills Transmission infrastructure upgrades (Pole and wires) accounts for 51% of the electricity bills.

      • Bella says:

        Yes we did have to invest in renewables Razor or was the Paris Agreement not worth a damn?
        Our nation is stuck in the days when ’emissions’ wasn’t even a common word.
        Why must we have to drag our politicians, kicking & screaming, into this century?
        The two majors do nothing but flail about pretending to represent the people’s concerns but they never do & that’s precisely why the likes of Hanson get their votes.
        Me, well I’d much rather vote Green than give her air.

  • Not Finished Yet says:

    With so much depressing or worrying news from the Islamic world, one should celebrate a triumph of Western influence. As all cricket aficionados will be aware, Afghanistan has been awarded test cricket status by the ICC. They currently outrank Zimbabwe in the ICC one day rankings (not saying a lot, I know) and outrank Bangladesh in the T20 rankings. Their bowler Rashid Khan is at number 8 for ODI bowlers and 4 for T20 bowlers. I suspect that this has happened too soon, as it did with Bangladesh, but I delight in seeing cricket flourish anywhere.

    And when it comes to Bangladesh, they are finally becoming competitive and it is my prediction that they will overtake the West Indies in Test rankings within the next couple of years.

    On the subject of ICC rankings, there are players who prove that they can adapt to any format. In particular, how good are Kholi, Williamson and Root across all formats of the game? I would like to add Warner, but he is down at 16 in the T20 rankings.

  • Wissendorf says:

    Palm Springs, playground of the rich and famous. I can tell the locals are rich as none of them have wrinkles, even those in their 90’s look like teenagers. They must be supporting the entire US plastic surgery industry in this town alone. And there must be many famous ones here to judge by the number of gaudy Hawaiian shirts. You’d have to be famous to get away with wearing them. A stroll down the main drag is the next best thing to an LSD tab. Polarising glacier glasses a must. I’m sure I will soon encounter some rich dude in a chauffeur driven stretch electric shopping scooter. Or a Kardashian in a sedan chair. I hope all these rich and famous have left some r&f type junk around here someplace. More Duesenbergs were in Palm Springs than in any other place in the USA and that’s what I’m hunting. There’s gotta be one around here somewhere.

    • Lou oTOD says:

      My daughter and son in law were there just recently, attending the wedding of one of his workmates. He by chance had married into a multi gazillionaire family of Italian origin, who made their fortune out of tomatoes.

      It was like a Hollywood extravaganza. Only in America.

      Good luck with your search.

      • Wissendorf says:

        Italian? Get a message to the groom to keep an eye on his horse! Slim hopes of finding a Duesie Lou. Only 500 made. Only about 120 are known to exist now.

        On yr comment about Carlton in earlier thread. The ladder is so evenly stacked any team above 15 are 2 wins out of the 8. Those there now are only 2 losses away from falling out. Intriguing season.

        • Jean Baptiste says:

          I’ve got three Deusys. I’ll let you have one if you send me a deposit. Half a mill in US banknotes. Send by Fed Ex in a shoe box. Must be here before you get back.
          Not a bad jalopy, but the hayshed is full of Maserati’s and Cords and I have to make room for the Maharajah of Kapur’s stretch ’28 Roller and Elephant Float.
          Crikey I think I see the delivery truck coming over the grid with me new daily drive now.
          Must ring Shannons pronto.

          Adios! Give ’em heaps.

          PS If I’ I’m not home the Deusy will be under a blue tarp back of the house.

  • Henry Blofeld says:

    New Zealand you magnificent bastards! New Zealand has won the America’s Cup, Mr Insider, in Bermuda , almost white-washing the US holders with a revolutionary boat and a new superstar sailor in 26yo Peter Burling, to avenge a humbling defeat four years ago. Our friends from across the ditch can certainly sail a yacht, albeit a most revolutionary yacht.

  • Razor says:

    This leftist rubbish from a mob who couldn’t keep the lights on last summer!

    You’d reckon they’d have more important things to do.

  • Henry Blofeld says:

    Pyne the Fixer, possibly may need “fixing” now, Mr insider, after his possible “Barry Crocker” today. Seems he never supported ex ousted PM Abbott when Abbott needed his support the most. Loyalty in Politics not worth a “plug nickel”. Turnbull’s government now a rancid smell in the long suffering nostrils of the Aussie voter.

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