Humble servant of the Nation

The Corby circus keeps rolling on

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Let’s face it, it’s been a tough week. What we need now is an issue that will unify the nation. Happily we have one at hand, Australia’s pathological obsession with Schapelle Corby.

Corby is set to be deported from Indonesia in the coming days. She will be put on a burner and returned to the only place she would regard as worse than Bali’s Kerobokan Prison — Australia.

Ultimately Corby served nine years in Kerobokan and after being released in February 2014 has served a closely watched period of parole in Bali for the last three years.

Back in March 2005 when Corby was first convicted and sentenced, it was akin to the lunar landing, people crowding around televisions watching the verdict, the media going the full three ring circus routine. While some of the hysteria has subsided, it is set to ratchet up again as Corby prepares to set foot in Australia for the first time in almost 14 years.

Full column here.


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