Humble servant of the Nation

The Contrabulous Phantasmagorica of Senator Rodney Culleton

, / 7368 183

denutoI’m going to miss Rodney Culleton. He has painted a vision of a libertarian Australia where our laws and indeed our entire legal system can be casually brushed off with a badly spelt submission.

Got a bill you’d rather not pay? That mortgage you’ve taken out bearing down on you? Parking fines piling up? Don’t fret. Fire off a diner’s menu of grievances to the High Court. Easy-peasy.

Welcome to Rodney Culleton’s Australia, a state of societal perfection where paying one’s creditors is voluntary, actions have no consequences and people can, nay must do, whatever they feel like.

Full column here.


  • Henry Blofeld says:

    Big day up on the QLD Barrier Reef today for what’s left of Hanson’s One Nation and of course the chap your blog is about Rod Culleton, Mr Insider, was a no show. They jumped into the water with their snorkels and Malcolm Roberts of One Nation railed against Climate Change as he always does. Goodness Mr Insider it would take some balls to openly tell anyone you are a supporter of One nation but some do, bless their sweet hearts, broken hearts in the future methinks!

  • Handsome Terrence says:

    Breaking wind on the first date Jack The Insider is it a brickbat or a bouquet?

    • Jack The Insider says:

      It’s neither. It’s a fart.m

      • Lou oTOD says:

        Oh not so sure Jack. If you are lucky, it’s a love puff under the sheets, followed by the question what’s for breakfast?

        Well that’s what my long term memory is telling me, and be warned it has failed a bit lately.

  • Carl on the Coast says:

    Jean Baptiste 24/11 (11.12am)

    Those of us who didn’t come down in the last shower, JB are well aware that climate change has become a highly charged political issue. But there’s one thing we can say for certain is that the climate of this earth has never been stable. Those in the ‘know’ refer to it as a “chaotic system”.

    Even the authors of that NOAA link you put up recognise this. They attempt to suck in their readers on the one hand with cartoons of crocs on Greenland and various kindergarten graphs purporting to clinch their hypothesis, but on the other hand they always seem to hedge their bets by slipping in the reference to “statistical uncertainty”. It stands out like the proverbial you know what’s.

    At the risk of me being accused of telling you how to suck eggs on much of this AGW malarkey, JB may I suggest you do some research on the writings of Joe Kirschvink’s, and also Bill Bryson’s writings on ‘polar wander’ including the actual and potential release of methane.

    Just a thought, and I don’t wish to spoon feed you me old mate so there’s no hurry. We’re not going anywhere, neither is the climate.
    Those of us who didn’t come down in the last shower, JB are well aware that climate change has become a highly charged political issue. But there’s one thing we can say for certain is that the climate of this earth has never been stable. Those in the ‘know’ refer to it as a “chaotic system”.

    Even the authors of that NOAA link you put up recognise this. They attempt to suck in their readers on the one hand with cartoons of crocs on Greenland and various kindergarten graphs purporting to clinch their hypothesis, but on the other hand they always seem to hedge their bets by slipping in the reference to “statistical uncertainty”. It stands out like the proverbial you know what’s.

    At the risk of me being accused of telling you how to suck eggs on much of this AGW malarkey, JB may I suggest you do some research on the writings of Joe Kirschvink’s, and also Bill Bryson’s writings on ‘polar wander’ including the actual and potential release of methane.

    Just a thought, and I don’t wish to spoon feed you me old mate so there’s no hurry. We’re not going anywhere, neither is the climate.

    • Trivalve says:

      Just back from an evening with actual scientists Carl, and the first thing I read (after the cricket score) is this. So good you said it twice!

      Now, I don’t know who Joe Kirschvink is but if you’re going to get your science from Bill Bryson then I think it’s time for some serious re-education.

      Just sayin’

    • Dismayed says:

      Living in denial on the coast.

  • John O'Hagan says:

    Generally I’m not a fan of using the word “clown” to describe a dangerous fool. I did a long stint as a carny and IMO good clowns are brilliant. But in Culleton’s case it’s oddly appropriate.

    Classic clown routines usually involve the clown attempting to do something they obviously can’t, such as a feat we’ve just seen an acrobat do. The laughs come from the clown’s efforts to convince the audience they know what they’re doing, particularly that little sneaky look-around they do, to see if anyone has noticed when they slip up. (George W Bush was a natural at that; Abbott too. What a waste.)

    In Culleton’s case, he is trying to convince the nation he is an avant-garde Constitutional scholar. The fact that his shtick is the result of blind, towering arrogance rather than talent doesn’t make it any less hilarious.

  • jack says:

    i haven’t been keen to comment on the Dutton thing as i am never quite sure i have heard the whole thing given the limited amount of aussie coverage i see, but if what he said was Fraser made a mistake in changing the rules and letting in a particular bunch of lebanese in the 1970s, then i would say that has been a common view in immigration circles for many many years.

    Not a partisan view, but across party lines and ethnic lines, and not everyone agrees but it is an unremarkable comment really.

    perhaps Fraser agreed as they changed the rules back again pretty quickly.

    Aus runs a big and successful migration programme, and has for a long time, but people and politics are what they are and mistakes will be made.

    the public understand that and we have high public support for the whole programme.

    as to whether the comment is a slur on Lebanese generally, Richo in the Aus

    “The second and third generations of the ’76 arrivals [of Muslim Lebanese] are over represented in two places — the prison system and Centrelink. Bikie gangs are recruiting and in some cases, being overrun by Lebanese Muslims…

    That the great majority of the Lebanese Muslim community are fine Australian citizens is a fact. So is the assertion that a significant minority are not in the “bring home to meet mum” category.”

  • Razor says:


    You still saying Adani will never go ahead? All I’ll say toke you so! I was unfair really as I always had the inside drum……..Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk

  • Henry Blofeld says:

    While “current” PM Malcolm Turnbull sits back in the Lodge today sampling the “fruit of the vine” meanwhile the other Fruit is hanging ripe for the picking but alas as he cant sort out the Backpacker Tax it may all go rotten. Come on Malcolm pull your finger out of your date and get this sorted buddy! The buck stops with you, you a re bloody hopeless!

  • Dwight says:

    Why do people hate politicians?

    A blogger who claims to run an independent website “blowing the whistle on anything that blows” has been revealed as a taxpayer-funded staffer on Bill Shorten’s team, working for federal Labor MP Michael Danby.

    • Razor says:

      Happy thanks giving mate. Not sure if you are in Cairns on Tuesday but if you are more than happy to catch you for a celebratory beverage. Flick me an e-mail if you still have my address.

  • Jean Baptiste says:

    Carl on the Coast 4:10PM

    I envisage temperatures much higher than anything your Bedouins ever had to contend with Carl. And much sooner than you think. What does the verticality of the line in the graph suggest to you? Take into account that there is a several decade lapse between the present and the effects of what we are doing right now becoming fully experienced.

    Do you actually have any idea how much additional heat over pre industrial levels is being sequestered in the oceans now? It is measurable, is being measured, and it is staggering. Does 15 of the last 16 years being the hottest on record actually register with you? Think that one through.

    PS I am delighted to hear my concerns pain you. If you choose to engage with me on this subject I happily anticipate causing you a great deal of pain.

    Razor 12:29PM

    Now that was a strange question Razor. I realise you are a really old and wrinkled geezer, but surely you’re not so ancient that your grandchildren are in their seventies?
    I think Guy McPherson may well be right, I hope he isn’t but if you check out the phenomenal increase in CH4 in the atmosphere, and the potential for the release of the vast quantities sequestered as the oceans warm and the permafrost thaws then we may be extinct a lot sooner than you think.
    I strongly recommend you do not watch this interview, it is not suitable for viewing by those of a childlike disposition for whom the confronting realities of AGW might force them further into denial.

    PS. I’d like a shot at answering the question you put to Bella. “What parts of the Earth will become uninhabitable?
    The parts that are outside of biospheres, into which facilities a great deal of research is being carried out. Purportedly for the some future colonisation of Mars. What a load of horse shit. They know what’s coming.
    It’s a big club, and you aint in it*, and you aint going to be in one of those biospheres either.
    *George Carlin.

  • Mack the Knife says:

    Hey Dwight, Happy Thanksgiving. Best damn turkey I ever ate, in the Kuwaiti desert courtesy of the Halliburton wives, god bless ’em.

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