Humble servant of the Nation

The prank that took 53 years to debunk

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A week ago today, I attended the memorial for Bill Leak at the Sydney Town Hall.

As I scanned the crowd, an eclectic group of people who had known Bill one way or another, I had to ask where were the Labor people? Where was Shorten, Plibersek or Dreyfus?

In the wake of the 2004 election, with the Howard government enjoying a majority in both houses, there was no opposition in the parliament. For at least two years, the worst part of Coalition MPs’ days was opening up The Australian and flipping to Bill Leak’s cartoon, to see another hilarious lampooning of their leader.

I would have thought some of the Labor people might have made an appearance simply out of gratitude for those dark days. It bothers me they stayed away and it speaks of a faddish clannishness the old Labor people would regard with contempt.

Bill Leak embraced everyone he met. Ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, it didn’t matter. He genuinely enjoyed the company of people but it was more than that. If he spied someone feeling awkward or a bit uncomfortable, Bill would bound up and make a fuss of them. He not only had the ability to make people feel special but he brought a sense of fairness and equity to any table.

It is a politician’s gift but Bill was not on the ballot. He wasn’t trying to sell anything. He simply loved people.

Full column here.



  • Gryzly says:

    Round 3 of the AFL requires tipping on, get ’em in.

  • Dismayed says:

    US warmongers get their way. Strikes under way. trump and his posse are determined to end life as we know it. Democracy overturned for their Supreme court extremist pick. I have no doubt trump will do something ridiculous in his meeting with the chinese also. trump and his right wing extremists are the most dangerous thing to happen to the world since the 1930’s.

  • Dismayed says:

    SOK in trouble again. Inappropriate comments when drinking? Is there such a thing?

  • Dismayed says:

    A News columnist writes an article giving his opinion on the hysteria over Triggs comments and is attacked by fellow News columnist Blair and Bolt, No surprises and then is subjected to some very nasty trolling from the right whinge extremists. So much for the “free speech” crusade by those same right whinge extremists.

  • Dismayed says:

    I think Abbott is doing his usual schtick to depose Turnbull to have another right whinger installed, alarmingly the arsehole dutton seems to be the choice, so he can get back to the front bench until his next take down job. It is clear he is a one trick tony he can only wreck. He is the classic example of the more you F up the more you get promoted.

  • Dismayed says:

    Bernie Fraser highlighting the governments ideology at all costs attitude. the cons need to create struggling masses it is the only way they can feel better about themselves. The cons all aspire to Robber Barons.

  • Henry Blofeld says:

    Elon Musk’s Car company “TESLA” now worth more than FORD, Mr Insider. Amazing as this mega genius, billionaire and thinker extraordinaire continues to excite us with not only his current projects but his upcoming ones too. And don’t worry South Australia, the “Blackout State”, Elon simply awaits the call from your Premier Jay to nip in and solve that lack of electricity problem you sweet chaps have. Advance Elon!

  • Henry Blofeld says:

    Mr 30 consecutive negative Newspolls, ex ousted PM Tony Abbott wants another chance to break that inglorious record, Mr Insider. “I can do 40 easily and decimate the Liberal Party to boot” squeals unemployable Tony. Yes I am sure you can Tones and we look forward to you doing it , about all you can do buddy!

  • Henry Blofeld says:

    We read, Mr Insider, that POTUS Trumps daughter the gorgeous Ivanka is a huge hit in China, she is known as “Goddess Yi Wan Kaa”. There is in China a fascination for all the up and coming young Trump ladies there. The Trump ladies are taking the world by storm with their beauty and I for one am enthralled. Am still drooling over that official photo of FLOTUS Melania Trump! One does hope I don’t develop an “unhealthy” obsession mmmm

  • BASSMAN says:

    Morrison has given the tax cuts to the wrong sector. Treasury modelling shows the $24 billion company tax cut will boost the economy by less than 0.2 per cent over ten years. And there is no guarantee this will even occur.

    What would have made more sense, would have been to give the tax cut to those on low incomes. This cohort spends nearly all of its disposable income on food, clothing and essentials. The resultant increase in demand would mean companies would have to produce more to satisfy these extra needs.

    Morrison would achieve his ‘Jobsongrowth’ much quicker. This is what Rudd did during the Global Financial Crisis on Treasury advice (“Go hard. Go households”). Consequently the economy grew by 16% and unemployment dived to 4.7%. This works.

    • Jean Baptiste says:

      Correct and fair minded BASSMAN. But, the Man scratches your back, you scratch his back. That’s the way it works.

    • Dwight says:

      I agree it went to the wrong sector. Should have gone to big business as they create more jobs, and are the ones who suffer the most from our internationally uncompetitive tax rates–and are in a position to shift production to ameliorate the problem.

      • Dismayed says:

        Typical Freidman rubbish. Why not raise the tax free threshold to $25K to allow those on the lowest incomes who as Bassman notes spend all their money on subsistence have a little more to add into the overwhelmingly Consumption run economy. I would have thought even a long outdated Freidman disciple like you would look at the modelling done and say well any benefits would be in the margin of error realm so go else where. Companies are sitting on massive pots of cash and giving bigger dividends they can very easily re-invest. They have chosen not to mainly because the coalition has created so much uncertainty. These cuts are just an appeasement to their benefactors. No wonder the economic students I talk too are so confused if people like you are still espousing long proven to be wrong Freidman rubbish. Tell me Dwight why with productivity continuing to grow each year have wages decoupled from the productivity growth since about 1980? Why has executive remuneration continued to skyrocket to the point where the now on make 90 times the average worker makes? Tell me why companies averaging 20% tax on income now according to the BCA (of those that actually pay any) are not investing? Tell me which Bank or large resources company or large food company or any large company that will leave Australian shores if the tax rate was not lowered? I would have thought even you would take into account the dividend imputation credit scheme which makes your argument look even more flawed. FFS man it is not 1974 get off the codeine.

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