Humble servant of the Nation

Laughing it up with Malcolm

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The national smoke night known as the Midwinter Ball has been rumbled. Of course, you and I can’t go, not without creating a scene anyway, but we did manage to get a glimpse of the frivolity from a ‘leaked’ video shot on one of the more than 600 smartphones in the Great Hall of Parliament House.

With that many phones with functioning cameras, I doubt we can actually call it a leak as the clip had better production values than you might see on Channel Ten at the moment.

There is no truth in the rumour that Malcolm Turnbull clambered back on stage for an encore, ate at a vase full of flowers and sung the first two verses of Eskimo Nell for even more hilarity. And I am yet to establish if, in the latter part of the evening, they got the Crown and Anchor board out and those assembled opened their wallets and went hard.

Maybe my bandwidth is a bit on the slow side (thanks Malcolm), because by the time I got the video to play, all the good jokes might have been lost in the buffering – but in this morning’s spin on what may one day become known as the real death of vaudeville, the Prime Minister’s colleagues emerged to declare him the new King of Comedy… and not in the bad Rupert Pupkin way.

Full column here.


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