Humble servant of the Nation

Think Trump’s in trouble? Look at the other guys

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Think Trump’s in trouble? Have a look at the other guys

The Trump administration may well be in serious trouble but the mob on the other side of the fence appear to have learned nothing from last year’s humiliation.

The early signs show the Democrats will go into the midterm congressional elections next year doing nothing more than promoting themselves as a policy vacuum, pinning all their hopes on anti-Trump sentiment.

Certainly, the Trump Administration is in crisis. From what we know and not just in the most recent revelations, those in the investigative gun include former Trump campaign boss Paul Manafort, Trump’s former National Security adviser, Michael Flynn, Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner and now Trump’s son, Donald J. Trump Jr.

Despite the shrill headlines, where we are at is best summed up in the words of a former Federal prosecutor, who boldly asserted yesterday that what has been uncovered to date, “raises a number of potential areas of liability” which is lawyer speak for there isn’t enough evidence to draw any further conclusions.

Full column here.


    • Razor says:

      I agree bring it on! I read somewhere they couldn’t create a perfect vacuum in laboratory conditions until you donated the space between your ears. Well done to you Dismal.

  • Wissendorf says:

    The good folk of Nevada aren’t concerned with the kerfuffle in Washington, the unending heatwave, the huge fires burning outside Las Vegas or the duststorms. In Nevada they are focused on the BIG issues. Las Vegas Sun yesterday

  • Lou oTOD says:

    You’re damned right JTI, the Dems don’t do self criticism. Bill has confirmed that Hilary has found defeat, among other things, hard to swallow. Problem is, no one else cares. It seems the hopes of that side of politics now rest on the shoulders of a 77 year old woman who it must be said has her best behind her.

    Meanwhile Trump, despite being the only POTUS in history to have no legislative or military experience, continues doing what he actually campaigned on, despite the very clutsy delivery and maintaining the perception that he is really an arsehole. Financial markets are backing him all the way, and early financial indicators are as you say heading in the right direction.

    The Dems had better find a non carcigonetic smoking gun real soon, or based on post Presidential elections they are going to get their arse kicked further down the road in the mid-terms. If they bequeath the Donald a second term it could get very ugly down the track.

    • Dwight says:

      They’ll probably pick up a couple of House seats in the midterms as per history. Where it gets ugly is the Senate where they are defending 25 seats–10 of which are in Trump country. A filibuster-proof GOP majority is unlikely, but possible.

  • Bella says:

    Trump said “My son is a high quality person..”
    Sure he is Mr President, I mean, don’t all high-quality people shoot endangered animals for kicks?
    Meanwhile, this very shady family expect us to believe DT Jr had no further contact with the Russians after his “I love it” reply email OR that he didn’t give Daddy the heads-up immediately.
    Surely Americans can’t be that gullible.

    • Boadicea says:

      I don’t believe for one minute that his father wasn’t in it up to his neck either, Bella.
      Trump plays to win – whatever it takes.

  • Dwight says:

    Remember the Charlie Brown cartoons? Since January the Dems have reminded me of Charlie, lining up and hoping to kick that ball to the moon. This time, surely we’ve got him!

    And then, Lucy just pulls the ball away. Sadly, they’ve learned nothing since calling us deplorables.

    • Boadicea says:

      Surely, surely amongst the citizens of that vast country they could come up with something better than two two, Dwight. I don’t get
      Geez, Mark Zuckerberg would be a better candidate.

      • Boadicea says:

        Sorry. Phone predicting again. Meant to say “those two”. Not two two.

      • Boadicea says:

        This will be a tad controversial. Don’t all pounce at once please.
        But I’m not sure what I think about Hird presenting an award at the AFL do.
        I appreciate his mental collapse was extremely sad – and I really hope he has recovered well.
        But the facts of the matter are that there was a serious issue at Essendon on his watch. It’s not over yet either I have a bit of an issue with putting him up there in a prominent action- and wonder how those who were implicated (players and family) might feel too.

  • The Outsider says:

    Hopefully Robert Mueller can uncover the truth re the Trump campaign and Russia.

    However, the early signs are that the orange doesn’t fall far from the tree.

    Even if nothing comes out that can be legally prosecuted, I hope the American public finally wakes up to the fact that Trump and his entourage are a bunch of hucksters.

  • Dismayed says:

    Failing state. the creatures from the swamp (banking and finance) continue to be awarded positions. Is this the second or third the Dems got nothing article? I wonder if the right wing echo chamber is not sucking the oxygen out of everything. Just look at the hysteria on the other side in the comments section. Delusional. It has already infected this country just look at some of the comments from Kelly, Barnaby, Sukkar phony and Fox from about 17.00pm onwards.

    • Henry Blofeld says:

      Am loving Fox dear Dismayed, as dos POTUS Trump. We don’t want “Fake News” do we buddy. Cheers.

      • Dismayed says:

        I was talking about Fox here in Australia. You are delusional. Fox is fake news. It is misinformation ideology central without an echo chamber you cons cannot exist.

    • Razor says:

      I always thought JTI played a pretty straight bat but you interpret it as you want.

      • Dismayed says:

        Oh and to enlighten you some more at the G20 in 2015 a report tabled showed Australia subsidised fossil fuel production to the tune of $ 5.6 Billion per year. Half of which goes to coal. So about double$ that you claim the renewable sector receives. that is before you look at the royalty holidays and other favourable tax treatments. How is it possible for you to be so myopic.

  • Henry Blofeld says:

    You stated in your full column, Mr Insider, and I quote: “For anyone with a modicum of political nous, surely the lesson for the Democrats is to put Hillary Clinton in the cupboard, sack everybody and start again”. Bravo couldn’t agree more. Well may the Democrats have a female candidate but surely with her losing record and nothing since that indicates she has learned anything, its time to say goodbye to “Grandma” Hillary! I wonder would Michelle Obama be interested at this stage?

  • Uncle Quentin says:

    If the republicans don’t split into tea party and moderate wings we are all stuffed….

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