Humble servant of the Nation

Think Trump’s in trouble? Look at the other guys

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Think Trump’s in trouble? Have a look at the other guys

The Trump administration may well be in serious trouble but the mob on the other side of the fence appear to have learned nothing from last year’s humiliation.

The early signs show the Democrats will go into the midterm congressional elections next year doing nothing more than promoting themselves as a policy vacuum, pinning all their hopes on anti-Trump sentiment.

Certainly, the Trump Administration is in crisis. From what we know and not just in the most recent revelations, those in the investigative gun include former Trump campaign boss Paul Manafort, Trump’s former National Security adviser, Michael Flynn, Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner and now Trump’s son, Donald J. Trump Jr.

Despite the shrill headlines, where we are at is best summed up in the words of a former Federal prosecutor, who boldly asserted yesterday that what has been uncovered to date, “raises a number of potential areas of liability” which is lawyer speak for there isn’t enough evidence to draw any further conclusions.

Full column here.


  • Razor says:

    Back to the previous blog…..a hell of a lot has to play out until anyone is guilty of treason. At this stage we just have an awkward situation. Gathering intelligence is politics. Handing it over to the other side is treason.

  • Wissendorf says:

    Tips in. GWS v Swans the big game of the week. Took GWS. Cats to do Hawks by lots. Even without Cripps I’ve stayed with the Blues to do the ‘dogs but expecting a cliffhanger. Demons over Crows in an arm wrestle.

  • Gryzly says:

    I think that Trump would be a GWS supporter given their colors and this should serve as a reminder to put your footy tips in.

  • Milton says:

    It would seem that politics is in a parlous state throughout much of the ‘western’ world.

    In a similar vein Caroline Overington pens a good piece today.

  • Bill Grieve says:

    Why do the Democrats need to do anything , the Republicans are tearing themselves apart , they control the House , Senate and the WH and still can’t do bugger all . Some of them are really shitting bricks over the repeal of the ACA where it seems 20-25 million will lose their health cover.
    No , the Democrats only need to sit back and watch this train wreak and in 2018 they will take back control of the House and Senate which is only 16 months away to their mid-term elections…

    • Bill Grieve says:

      Meanwhile on the home front , I thought everything was rolling along fine , is there disquiet in the Liberal Party ? .
      Or is it the usual culprits just stirring the possum again …

    • Jack The Insider says:

      I think it’s a dangerous gambit, mate. Why not do some economic policy work, perhaps a cornerstone social policy like higher ed reform. Their way might work but it is lazy and hardly inspires confidence in politics.

  • Dismayed says:

    BASSMAN says: July 13, 2017 at 6:36 pm . Menzies produced Zero surpluses. could not even produce sanitation systems for the biggest cities in the Nation.

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