Humble servant of the Nation

Parliament set to sink to its lowest ebb

, / 9503 318

Finally, it is over and the results are in. The result of the same-sex postal survey is entirely predictable and mirrors polls taken over the last five years. The question remains, why has the will of a large majority of the people been ignored by the parliament for so long?

This has been an entirely unnecessary vox pop of the Australian people on a question so few are actually invested in. It has been ugly and divisive. The best thing we can say about it is at last it is done.

It should never have happened. The parliament should have acted or indeed it might not have acted and we would all be a lot better off than we are today. But the political needs of the Coalition had to be sated and so the Australian Bureau of Statistics was dragged into oversee a $122 million non-binding, voluntary postal survey that may yet come to little or nothing.

The cost of it has to be counted more than in simple dollar terms. It has to be measured somehow in more nebulous but more important ways. The loss of national unity, a lid lifted on bigotry and prejudice where discrimination against one group of people was openly countenanced by community leaders.

Full column here.


  • Boadicea says:

    So Mugabe still refuses to go. As I suspected would happen, he is trying his old ploy of toughing it out.
    Not a good situation. The longer he can stall, the greater the chance of the coup disintegrating – and the cunning old bastard knows that.
    They need to frogmarch him and his wife onto a plane. Nobody will try and stop it.
    Listening to him as i write he’s recommending reconciliation, and renewed efforts to restore the economy. Jesus.

  • Tracy says:

    Just watching Mugabe’s speech, looks like his backside is still firmly glued to that seat.
    Was really impressed with the equality for all bit, I’m sure all Zimbabweans will be sufficiently grateful

  • Failed Comic says:

    I see Kev07 is now doing a doctorate at Oxford Uni. I can’t wait for the YouTube hazing video. I hope he shouts all the boys a visit to the local strip club

  • BASSMAN says:

    Abbott has cost us so much…over $100million for this ridiculous SSM survey, useless Royal Commissions into Pink Batts, Unions, Gillard and Shorten for not ONE conviction at a cost of a couple of hundred million dollars all to fill his Liberal lawyer mates’ pockets. When he was Opposition leader he even outspent the PM …In 2011 (Jan-June) Gillard as PM spent $208,000… Abbott? A wacking $588,000. In the same year June-Dec. Gillard spent $254,000. Abbott? $482,000. In 2012 (Jan-June) Gillard cost us $260,000. Abbott cost us $463,000. Keep in mind this guy was not the PM! Add on all of his bike riding rorts, weddings and social events he charged up to us and one wonders why we feed this bloke. He is a shocking investment and should be exposed for what he is. A serial rorter!

    • smoke says:

      i wouldnt feed him bassy…wouldnt give him the time off day

    • Carl on the Coast says:

      If a “rorter” is a small scale confidence trickster, you’ve got it wrong again Bassy; for the umpteenth time re ex PM Abbott’s travel expenditure, etc. Apart from a few minor $ travel discrepancies (a frequent alleged occurrence by those on all sides, including the Greens) Abbott’s expenditure was within the allowances otherwise it would not have been okayed…… OK?

      I did notice that when comparing the Abbott/Gillard $’s spent you made no mention of the extravagent well known program expenditure excesses Gillard continued on with after she knifed Rudd.

      You really must try to keep and convey a balanced view on these matters, instead of concentrating on chicken feed mate.

  • Boadicea says:

    Goodness. Report today that Tasmania is the least multicultural state in Australia.
    Hehehe – maybe we should supply MP’s to the nation 🙂
    Pure-bred, shucks, probably interbred thoroughbreds.

    • Bella says:

      Boadicea, I just heard that the great Bob Brown celebrated the 25th birthday of the Australian Greens at a celebration in Hobart on the weekend. Even more delighted to announce the first Aboriginal MP won the Victorian seat of Northcote.
      I’m hoping it’s a good sign for Queensland’s state election as voters turn their backs on Labor & the coalition of LNP/ON over the backing of the dodgy Adani scam.
      But until then, let’s hear it for the Greens everybody! 💚🎂

      • Razor says:

        Greens won’t increase their vote in Qld Bella. They never do. We hate them the most as we have most to lose with their ridiculous policies. They will pick up the seat of Sth Brisbane though. Labor will then backtrack on the loan business just to spite them.

        • Bella says:

          “We hate them the most.”
          Who would “we” be Razor?
          “They never do.”
          There’s never been a tsunami of voters turning their backs on the two majors either.
          Any party who’s backing Adani have seriously underestimated the electorate backlash.
          It’s only Monday, perhaps the next four days will see them wake-up……

    • CoHD says:

      Any Chetsons?

  • Bella says:

    Mack the Knife 17 Nov 1.34pm
    The only choice made by LGBTIQ persons is either living a life of honesty or to keep hiding your enduring sexuality for fear of public scorn. Thankfully the majority of Australians are long past tolerating the open discrimination that prevailed throughout the last century.

    TBH Mack, I believe that love is life & life is far too short to pass judgement on two consenting adults or to wonder if their desire for each other could somehow be ‘cured’ if they ‘chose’ to be straight.

  • Wissendorf says:

    I have no adequate tribute to offer – Malcolm Young dead at just 64. RIP mate – thanks for the soundtrack to a thousand partys.

  • Boadicea says:

    Interesting to contemplate if the Northcote by-election result was the result of enamourment of the Greens or disenchantment with the Andrews government. I suspect the latter.

  • Bella says:

    Razor 17 Nov 7.02pm

    Thank-you for the verification of those crimes.
    Do you know if the police involved were officially punished?

    • Razor says:

      Probably not Bella. A different time and a disgusting culture. It’s trite and doesn’t help the victims, I know. Great inroads have been made in recent years though.

      • Bella says:

        Thanks mate.
        Good to know it’s over.

      • Dismayed says:

        By supporting QLD coalition you support phony. Nicholls was a disaster in government and even worse in opposition. Get real QLD Labor is the only viable choice. QLD labor have created over 3.5 times the jobs the last QLD coalition did. They have paid down Newman/Nicholls debt level and debt ratio. The latest research and cost analysis/benefit on a new coal fired plant for QLD similar to those built in Europe shows it would cost billions for NO benefit and take at least 6 years to build. QLD NLP not viable,just delusional. the LNP uniform is now a Ronald McDonald outfit. Red wigs all round.

  • Dismayed says:

    Here is yet another example of off grid renewables being more reliable than the grid itself.

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