Humble servant of the Nation

The real Trump derangement syndrome

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Trump derangement syndrome was said to be a disorder found among those who see consistent fault in the words and deeds of the 45th POTUS.

Certainly, there have been cases where the media has been unfair and unreasonable in its treatment of Trump. The street corner psychoanalysis of Trump as often found on the pages of The Washington Post and the New York Times has been especially tedious and lamentable.

But we have a better understanding of Trump derangement syndrome now and those who point a finger at Trump’s critics have got it the wrong way around.

It is said of Trump’s presidency that no matter how chaotic or scandal riddled it has been, the media can always turn to an interview with a small group sporting MAGA baseball caps in diners in the back blocks of Wisconsin or Ohio or Arizona or western Pennsylvania who say they love Donald Trump more than ever.

I suspect there’ll be fewer of them now but still plenty for the media to call upon at will. After Helsinki, the predictable ‘Trump can do no wrong’ response is especially revealing of the symptoms and signs of the dreaded real Trump derangement syndrome.

Full column here.


  • Carl on the Coast says:

    Of course, the recent exchange of robust tweets between the POTUS and the Middle East mob of despots is nothing unusual. Some may even say ‘no surprises’. The social networking chatter in question is similar to the male song birds energetically twittering and chirping, especially in the mornings, confidently announcing they are alive, alert and are reconfirming their readiness to defend their territory. Nothing more, nothing less.

    No need for any misguided amateur psychoanalysis, or getting ones knickers in a knot. Settle petal would seem to be the appropriate order of the day.

    Jack Dorsey and his mates obviously knew all about the similarity between birds and people when they founded “Twitter Inc” over a decade ago. Yes, smart folk for sure.

  • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

    Hopeless Pauline Hanson One Nation cockup, Mr. Insider as we read, aghast: “So it turns out Pauline Hanson has taken a break, and won’t campaign for Saturday’s Longman by-election through this week, after all.Just yesterday morning, Ms Hanson’s office bristled at a newspaper report that she had taken a leave of absence, telling 9NEWS the One Nation leader was “exhausted” but would continue to campaign.
    She just wouldn’t do media events.
    Ms Hanson is actually on a cruise. Sailing the seas off Scotland, and Ireland.”
    Goodbye Pauline, you are bloody hopeless!

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