Humble servant of the Nation

Taking a leaf out of the extremist handbook

, / 7015 253

This week the question has been firmly put. Should there be more Nazis on television or less, or for the grammar pedants out there, fuhrer?

All right. That’s a really bad joke. The point is that so many people including journalists have got this horribly wrong.

Cotterill needs to be confronted, subjected to scrutiny and forensically cross-examined.

What to call him then? The media has cobbled together several terms, all of them fairly unhelpful, including activist, patriot and ultra-right wing extremist. On Channel 7 he was described as one member of a group who were planning to put “a neighbourhood watch group together”.

Let’s start with what he is. Mr Cottrell is a violent criminal, having been convicted of arson, stalking, aggravated burglary, trafficking in steroids and breaching interventions orders. He added racial vilification to his rap sheet earlier this year.

Full column here.


  • Boadicea says:

    Anning represents just 19 people. Why then is his opinion getting such airtime? The speech should have been met with icy silence and the fool just ignored.

  • Dismayed says:

    more coalition and dutton’s lies exposed. 107,000 More temporary visas granted in the last 12 months than the previous year. 40,000 more Bridging visas last year. Temporary Graduate visas also at Record highs. The most people ever came into the country last year. Meanwhile wages grew by just 0.47% of one percent. Less than half a percent. There goes what were already bizarrely made up Budget assumptions. Meanwhile Sanjay Gupta starts work on his $1.4 Billion investments into Renewable Energy and a new worlds biggest battery near Whyalla in South Australia to amongst other things run the steel works. But the nation is still stuck with a disgracefully dishonest conservative coalition and them and their supporters refuse to allow New technology to be used to progress the Nation. No Surprises.

  • jack says:

    really enjoyed the Helen Dale piece in the Aus this morning, she is a gifted writer.

    I think I still have a copy of The Hand that Signed the Paper somewhere, probably going mouldy in a storage unit in Sydney.

  • jack says:

    I haven’t followed the detail of this new NEG thing, but it appears to me that an acronym, the RET, had unfortunate consequences that were not foreseen, at least by it’s proposers, and now we have to come up with another acronym to fix up the mess.

    Of course, it’s odds on that this acronym will have “unforeseen” consequences as well.

  • Boadicea says:

    Derryn Hinch was truly pathetic trying to disassociate himself from his handshake once he realised the collective disgust at Anning’s speech..

    • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

      I posted this elsewhere in the Blog, Boadicea. “Senator Derryn Hinch said after hearing Fraser Anning’s speech, Mr. Insider, he shook Anning’s hand then went home to wash his hands so appalled was he. Are there no hand washing facilities in Parliament House. Or mores the point was old Derryn actually listening to Anning? Methinks he wasn’t. He loves a good headline does Deryn. Annings a fool, a featherweight”

  • Carl on the Coast says:

    Jean Baptiste says:
    August 13, 2018 at 10:02 PM
    “Could you be outraged at the current 25 odd million children dying of preventable causes every single year Carl?”

    Yes, I am outraged JB, by those who violate the first principles of life in the context raised by HB. Including the widely reported despotic actions by your “Kimmie” who you have commented on here with levity and mirth in recent times.

    • Jean Baptiste says:

      Strange you never mention your outrage where we might have some influence isn’t it , but never let up about the past or places where we can have no influence. You fraud.

      • Carl on the Coast says:

        I’ll ignore the personal aspersion JB, and put it down to your temporary loss of gentlemanly debating composure me old mate.

  • Dismayed says:

    the coalition not content with making life harder for the lowest paid in Australia now are going after the disabled and those with mental health and other health issues by sending out robo-debt notices to them. the coalition have absolutely Wrecked the roll out of the, as the treasurer admitted, fully funded NDIS, They are refusing terminally ill people the disability pension, they have removed access to Child Care for the poorest in the community who need it the most to break the poverty cycle as all the research and evidence highlights so those earning the most can have more open ended subsidisation. This government is a disgrace. Those supporting this coalition are as bad as the worst government in this nations history.

  • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

    Senator Derryn Hinch said after hearing Fraser Anning’s speech, Mr. Insider, he shook Anning’s hand then went home to wash his hands so appalled was he. Are there no hand washing facilities in Parliament House. Or mores the point was old Derryn actually listening to Anning? Methinks he wasn’t. He loves a good headline does Deryn. Annings a fool, a featherweight.

  • Boadicea says:

    I see Tony Burke charged the taxpayers $7,600 to charter a plane to view the Tarkine wilderness with activist group GetUp in 2012.
    He likes his junkets it seems. Most ordinary folk would fly to Launceston, pick up hire car and take a beautiful drive to Waratah and Corinna. Cost? Maybe $1500 at most.

    • BASSMAN says:

      When Rudd went o/seas he often stayed at the Oz Ambassador’s digs. Not Howard though. He, his entourage and his handbag would shack up at the $9000 a night London Claridge hotel staterooms. Always enthusiastic, the travelling Howards were at their best in calendar 2002 when they racked up overseas visits costing a total $3,551,000, during which John and his Bride went to the US twice – for 10 days in January-February (cost: $1.15 million), that included stops in Singapore and Indonesia, and a week in June 2002 (cost: $467,480). They also visited Britain twice, in March and April (cost: $323,730).

  • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

    The “Wet Mules”, Mr. Insider our hero Aussie Cave Divers and here is how they do it. Not for me am afraid.

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