Humble servant of the Nation

Home Archive by Category "Humour" (Page 4)



Let me take you back. Way, way back to the evening of December 2, 2017. The Prime Minister and his deputy stood arm in …


Psst. Anyone know where I can get my hands on some top-secret documents? Never mind. It turns out they can be purchased in second-hand …


TRUMP derangement syndrome (TDS) is alive and well. Take Hawaii’s false alarm of an imminent missile strike on Sunday. The alarm was triggered by …


Every Christmas Day I used to mock my mother mercilessly. From my teenage years, mum developed a habit of setting the table for Christmas …


And so this is Christmas and what have our politicians done? More importantly, have they been naughty or nice? It’s probably more of a …


Welcome to this glittering night of nights. Well, it might be depending on when you read it. It may well be the most august …


You may be wondering, like I am, who is running the country. It certainly isn’t the prime minister. One could pose a forlorn argument …


Will the last one out of the parliament please remember to turn the pie warmer off at Aussie’s Cafe? The worst thing we can …


As we sit and wait for news of the fate of the seven dual citizens as they traipse from their parliamentary offices with the …