Humble servant of the Nation

What you see is what you get with Trump

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Regardless of what you think about Donald Trump he does exactly what it says on his tin.

That’s not to say what is in the tin is especially nourishing. Personally I would not like to be sitting down for a steaming bowl of Trump every day for the next four years. The Americans voted him in and it’s their lot now.

But what is surprising is how surprised the US media is whenever Trump makes a policy announcement.

First we had the immigration bans. The US media went into a profound almost anaphylactic shock over that one. Trump had promised it and he made good on his pledge.

Since Trump concluded his European tour WaPo, The NY Times, Politico, the New Yorker and The Atlantic among many others have reported almost breathlessly in musings of the “will he, won’t he?” type regarding the Paris Accord.

Full column here.


  • Boadicea says:

    My interpretation of the UK election result is that people, globally, are just sick and tired of being ”governed” – no matter what side of politics is in power.
    Where the world goes from there is anyone’s guess.

    • Jack The Insider says:

      Certainly won’t be played for mugs when an election is called prematurely that May had spent the last six months saying would not happen.

  • Huger Unson says:

    Help me out here, Jack, if you can.
    I’ve watched John McCain interrogate Comey, and it seemed more like a snippet from the current Fargo. (Which is soooo good, BTW.)
    Mind you, it could be me. I get Noah Taylor and Ben Mendelssohn mixed up.

  • Trivalve says:

    Tip for Theresa May – people don’t like early elections!

  • Tracy says:

    The red button isn’t working on the remote so I’m stuck with CNN and Richard Quest plus whoever the dingbat is on his right…….quelle horreur!

  • Boadicea says:

    Disturbing to read that the Brighton terrorist had been on a police deradicalisation program for 6 months
    Well, that’s not working real well is it?
    In my opinion, the prevention and ongoing scrutiny should be coming from within the Muslim community – not our police force. Amd yet one does not hear much about any such programs.

  • Dismayed says:

    I initially dismissed TBLS’s disgusting comment below. Upon reflection this is clearly the worst comment ever made on JTI’s blog over the decade I think it is that it has been running. For an individual to be so unable to control their emotions and think even for a second that such a comment is acceptable shows that individual has some sort of histrionic personality disorder. Would you want a person monitored because the made such a comment? I am all for free speech. This goes beyond that. This comment below shows this individual is not in control of their emotions and clearly blames others for their response and reaction. It is interesting to see the cons on here support the comment? Yes I commented that terrible acts have been occurring for all time. Is that a false statement? Anyway. I love coming to this blog as it does keep me Dismayed and alert to many in the community.

  • The Outsider says:

    Explosive testimony from James Comey about Donald Trump’s honesty. Given Trump’s history of being loose with the truth, it seems clear who to believe.

    You wouldn’t know that from reading the comments on the other side of the wall, though.

    • Henry Blofeld says:

      Nothing to see there Outsider as Comey just covering his arse. Hi pride is hurt and he now is yesterdays man. POTUS Trump not under any investigation and will go from strength to strength. Cheers.

      • Jack The Insider says:

        Let me try and explain this to you, Henry. The Trump administration IS under investigation. This is a scandal that has and will continue to engulf the White House. It’s not going to end any time soon and when it does it is bound to end badly. Comey’s predecessor at the FBI, Robert Mueller, is the special investigator who is and will be looking at Manafort, Flynn, Kushner and maybe many others in the GOP. He doesn’t need congressional support. He can indict any or all of those men, including the POTUS although that is unlikely. Just so you know, Comey was a registered Republican before he became Director of the FBI. I have no idea what you mean about covering his arse. I would have thought it obvious that the best, indeed only form of attack available to Trump was to try and undermine Comey. He is scrupulously clean and it is a great shame that you and others prefer to attack him rather than see that Trump at very best does not understand or wish to accept the doctrine of separation of powers. I’ve seen some pretty stupid commentary saying Comey has committed an offence by leaking parts of an extemporaneous memo via a third person top the media. Do you think that is a criminal offence? What charge would be coming his way?

      • The Outsider says:

        Dear Ferris, old boy,

        Having observed your various incarnations and political allegiances over the last decade, or so, you deserve commendation (in principle, anyway) for sticking to someone for more than five minutes his time. However, I predict that you’ll soon discover that the orange-haired property salesman from New York has feet of clay and you’ll be doubly disappointed with him when you do find out.

        If Comey’s testimony is to be believed, and there’s no reason to think that it shouldn’t, there’s no doubt that Trump, subtly or otherwise, tried to get the FBI to drop an ongoing investigation into Trump’s appointee, Michael Flynn. This will end in tears for you and the Orange One.



  • Milton says:

    Watched a bit of the Comey stuff- yawn (and he is well suss). But consider the US being aghast at the thought of others being involved in their elections! Hellooo….

    • Jack The Insider says:

      Why is a former Director of the FBI ‘suss’, Milton? Is his predecessor, Robert Mueller, also ‘suss’ because he’s been appointed a special investigator?

      • Milton says:

        Leaking conversations with the Potus sounds a little suss to me, Jack.
        From Trumps lawyer via Telegraph UK:

        “Today, Mr. Comey admitted that he leaked to friends of his purported memos of those privileged communications. One of which, he testified, was classified. Mr. Comey also testified that immediately after he was terminated he authorized his friends to leak the contents of those memos to the press in order to, in Mr. Comey’s words, quote, “prompt the appointment of a special counsel”, closed quote.
        Although Mr. Comey testified that he only leaked the memos in response to a tweet, the public record reveals that “The New York Times” was quoting from those memos the day before the referenced tweet, which belies Mr. Comey’s excuse for this unauthorized disclosure of privileged information and appears to be entirely retaliatory.
        We will leave it to the appropriate authorities to determine whether these leaks should be investigated along with all the others that are being investigated.
        In sum, it is now established that the president was not being investigated for colluding with or attempting to obstruct any investigation.
        As the committee pointed out today, these important facts for the country to know are virtually the only facts that have not been leaked during the course of these events.”

        • Jack The Insider says:

          Gee, Trump’s personal lawyer, eh. Now there’s an impartial source. None of the material Comey wrote or released in his memos was classified. The only reason Trump’s lawyer is speaking at all is because administration officials won’t go on the record, fearing they will be dragged into this.

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