Humble servant of the Nation

Neil Prakash is about to enter years of hell

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Australian terrorist Neil Prakash is before the Turkish courts. It is just the beginning of his punishment. Eventually, it is hoped he be returned to Australia to face punishment for his crimes.

Born in Melbourne of Fijian and Cambodian parents, the 25-year-old is an Australian citizen and so he’s our problem but like patrons at the deli counter at Woolworths, Australia will have to take a number and wait to get its hands on Prakash.

He is, to employ the vernacular, in more shit than a Werribee duck. I could be more sensitive and suggest he’s in more strife than the early settlers but I don’t think the early settlers ever did it as tough as he soon will.

Full column here.


  • Henry Blofeld says:

    Wrecking Ball Politics, Mr Insider, we have had this now for way too long. At least we can have a smile though as we see Malcolm in this clip in “panties”. Turnbull right now letting us see his “Fake Smile” as he shudders from the attack from Abbott. Strewth

  • Huger Unson says:

    2 weeks, ay? Political interference in the judicial system!
    What happened there, Jack, did Turnbull do that as a dare, or because he could, or what?
    It’s a terrible precedent, especially if the tribunal thought they were playing in be-nice-to-Muslims week.
    Still, pants off to your tip.

  • Dismayed says:

    Milton, not sure if you travel much but doing a quick search for Sept. You can find a serviced apartment in Adelaide for about $850 for 6 nights. Likewise a quick search just showed an average for hotels at $150 a night for Sept. You do realise in every city on the planet when eents occur the accommodation cost go up. Perth is a classic example when cyclones hit the Nth West in January- Feb, hotel rates go from $220 to $800 in a matter of hours.

    • Milton says:

      This is for early December. Ashes time and also the Pacific Cup (?). There are 22 teams (in varying sports) just from qld alone. In a lot of the sports the juniors stay with their folks. Add coaches, managers, umpires, aunties, grandparents, selectors, etc etc.
      We got a basic room in the heart of the city for $215 a night which we are more than happy with.

  • Dismayed says:

    Amazing to watch the cons go berserk at the thought of other humans receiving the same civil liberties as they have. We have seen the true cons in the last couple of days denying every human the same basic rights and freedoms and then former, embarrassment of a PM, um er ahbut um er ahbut comes out again and wants more divisive “battlelines” drawn up. This has shown again the cons are NOT about the National interest but their own self interest and self entitlement. No Surprises.

  • Wissendorf says:

    To the extent I comment on politics, Pyne has no interest in SSM at all. His sudden interest has more to do with destabilising the Liberals and taking a potshot at the leadership than any interest in human rights.. Sportsbet have Pyne at $26.00 as Liberal leader at the next poll. I thought that was good meat and bought some. Turnbull to face a leadership challenge (no time limit) was a paltry $1.65. I looked elsewhere but a leadership challenge is red ink everywhere. When Parliament resumes it will be the ‘killing season’. I predict Turnbull will be gone. Go Pyney!!

    Please note: my enthusiasm is entirely monetary self interest.

    My suggestion for a Federal infrastructure project would be to remove the leadership revolving door and install a conveyor belt. We might luck onto one from somewhere eventually. Where is our Macron?

    JtI and jackHK have email.

    JtI, perhaps of interest –

    jackHK –’ defer=’defer

    • Jack The Insider says:

      Interesting. Must spend more time getting bitten by mozzies.

      • Lou oTOD says:

        Fascinating what they are coming up with Jack. Amazing leaps in medical discoveries.

        Without taking any slight at your current battle, these mice cop a beating don’t they.

        On the upside I caught up with my mate who has battled Melanoma for six years and whom I’ve referenced here before. He’s on the radical USA treatment Ron Walker had, and convinced Tony Abbott to put on the NHS. Better known as the Jarryd Roughhead miracle, my mate is enjoying rude health, for now anyway.

        Best wishes for your own journey.

        • Jack The Insider says:

          Cheers, mate. I’m about to become something of a mouse myself. Well, maybe a rhesus monkey. Clinical trial starts today. No jabs just yet. That will happen soon and two years of them provided the cancer doesn’t spread.

    • jack says:

      thanks mate, i looked at going somewhere for a Tavi, might have saved me a couple of months in hospital, but think of the nurses disappointed to lose me so soon.

      should get about ten or more years out of the pig’s valve, if i am still going i hope the new technology spares me another open heart job.

      the young tech who checks the pacemaker tells me the battery has at least ten years,

      just not sure i do,

      enjoy that trip

  • Trivalve says:

    Bachar Houli two weeks – well, what did he expect with a name like ‘Basher’?

    • Jack The Insider says:

      Some talk he should have got one more week. I figured two when I saw it. He’s got a good record as a player. Could have copped the two on an early plea and there wouldn’t have been all this nonsense.

  • Henry Blofeld says:

    Ex ousted PM Tony Abbott agitating like a wild man, Mr Insider, is he gearing up to pounce on the PMship or is he just stuffing PM Turnbull as much as he can? With Turnbull now 15 consecutive negative Newspolls down now he knows Turnbull is vulnerable. Abbott has now published a “Policy Manifesto” for the next election, now that’s cheeky with a capital “C” indeed imho! Tensions mount.

  • Tracy says:

    Ye gods, Abbott is totally delusional/total nutcase/whatever….

  • BASSMAN says:

    The Liberals are a shambles. Split down the middle like a horse’s arse, they are engrossed in ideological feuds and personal hatred.There is no constitutional need for a marriage equality plebiscite. It is about delaying and denying a civil right to gays. Let the Camp remain Camp and be done with it.

    13 years ago John Coward legislated to change the Marriage Act to ban gays from marrying, less than an hour after announcing the plan. He did it with a vote in the parliament for Christ’s sake. Just change it like Howard did in 2004 Malcolm. No plebiscite needed. Its not rocket science.

    The plebiscite is an Abbott trick and a waste of $250million to stop the inevitable. We have a parliament to pass laws for the national good mate. Time it did its job. And there was Abbott on 2GBiased telling Hate Radley we must have a plebiscite because we cannot break an election promise…er Tones remember dis? ““I want to give people this absolute assurance – no cuts to education, no cuts to health, no changes to pensions….and no cuts to the ABC or SBS”. He broke a whole heap of promises more damaging than this Bald. What a hypocrite.

    • Razor says:

      Couldn’t agree more Bassy. A conscious vote on the floor of Parliament and then get on with governing you idiots.

      If two people love each other let them get married or not. GIVE THEM THE CHOICE!!!!

      • BASSMAN says:

        OK so even if we have a Tanya Plebersick trhe RESULT IS NOT BINDING ON THE PARLIAMENT…have U ever heard of anything so effing DAFT?
        Lets get on with it and elect Dutts

      • Razor says:

        I meant conscience though one does wonder….

        • Lou oTOD says:

          May they can’t have a concience vote, most of them don’t have a concience.

          As for a conscious vote, that would be determined by the time of day it is taken, if it’s late a good number would be unconscious.

    • JackSprat says:

      Less than 50,000 people in the last census indicated that they were in a same sex marriage.
      There are around 20% of the working population who are unemployed, under-employed or want to work longer hours. ( That’s about 20 times more). If the same amount of time, energy and effort was spent on trying to get these poor sods a more meaningful life, the country would be far better off.
      There are probably three times that number of indigenous people who have and are receiving far worse treatment that the gays.
      I am fed up with the attacks on free speech and the bovver boy tactics that the LGBT mob are using and fear that, when they are successful, this will become the modus operandi of every other fringe group.
      One can see the same tactics being used in the Green movement as well.
      A democracy works on open debate.

    • Jean Baptiste says:

      I can think of several reasons why we should stop being such dogs in the mangers and legislating to allow gays their natural right to marry each other. They are all good reasons in their own right but the one reason that stands, nay, towers above the rest, is a fabulous reason, a heart lifting reason , a magnificent reason. Heavenly music for the soul of a reason.

      To give Tony Abbott the same serious dose of the shits he’s been giving us!

      What do we want ! When do we want it !

    • Bella says:

      “It’s not rocket science.”

      I ask why anybody is afraid of redefining the marriage act?
      When same sex marriage was made legal in Ireland or New Zealand or Canada guess what happened? Gay couples got married. The End.
      Congratulations to two people in love. That’s it & life goes on.
      You’re right about Howard changing the wording but I didn’t know he did it within one hour.
      Man, he must’ve been one very frightened conservative on that day.

      • BASSMAN says:

        …but Abetz, The Mad Monk, Andrews and Co say the world will end…but priests are still abusing kids. Not much from Tones on that except to support Pell. By the way I am not accusing Pell of anything. The bloke should not be crucified until he has his day in court…if he will ever front.

    • jack says:

      the 2004 amendments didn’t ban gays from marrying, it simply put the definition of marriage in the legislation, so that a bunch of un-elected judges couldn’t change the law, but rather the law could be changed only by a proper democratic process.

      the changes were supported by both major parties, and when the issue came to a vote again in I think 2012 or so, the move to change the definition failed. Lots of Labor folk voted against the change, just about all of the Right and the PM as well.

      My recollection is that at that stage the pro gay marriage folks were in favour of a plebiscite as they didn’t think they could win a vote in parliament, but had a better chance of success going nationwide.

      Now that there is probably a majority of MPs who would vote to change they have naturally changed their stance.

      Meanwhile the antis, who were in favour of the parliament deciding when they had the numbers, would rather take their chance on a plebiscite now that they think they would lose in the House.

      Politics eh?

    • smoke says:

      abbot’s just wonderful. a more passion fingered lunatic is impossible to imagine

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