Humble servant of the Nation

Facial recognition: what could possibly go wrong?

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COAG met yesterday, the Prime Minister and the premiers of the states and chief ministers of the territories with Tasmanian premier, Will Hodgman, only allowed in after facial recognition technology was used as no one really knew what he looked like.

When the day came to an end, they all stood around backslapping for the cameras having agreed to everything the Prime Minister had placed on the agenda, including the creation of a national database of drivers’ licence photographs from across the country to give some muscle to photo recognition technology and continue the creeping sense of state surveillance on the citizenry.

It was a brief moment of political unity with Labor and Liberal leaders speaking as one.

How do we feel about this? The idea of a national voluntary non-binding postal survey didn’t get a look in this time, funnily enough, so we’re not quite sure about the national mood but it was one of those moments where clearly government didn’t give a damn what people thought.

Full column here.


  • Dismayed says:

    Well the coalition have almost reached peak stupidity but I think they can still be even more ridiculous and next cab of the rank the SA coalition led by, well the party leader anyway Stephen Marshall? you know the guy who the day before the last state election said if you want SA to grow, Vote Labor has continued his parroting attacks on the SA Energy plan BUT has now released his plan splashing close to $ half a billion on a new interconnector and wait for it subsidised batteries for households. HAHAHAHAHA this guy is in danger of losing the unlosable election even after being gifted 4 seats by the electoral commission.

  • Milton says:

    Well it looks like we are up against Honduras in the world cup playoffs. I doubt they will be a lay down misere.

  • wraith says:

    @ Henry Blofeld says:
    OCTOBER 9, 2017 AT 9:47 PM
    “Abbott was a nut alright Trivalve.” Was? Did you catch his latest crazy talk? lol. A bit of global warming is going to be good apparently. And the waters at Bondi haven’t risen, so there! OH my. You have to give it to the Libs, they are an equal opportunity employer. You have Dutts (special Ed. kid) put in charge of immigration, and they still let Tony have a microphone, even though he is clearly not functional, and everyone still smiles and claps. Give him a ribbon! Rainbow room politics, its ….beautiful. 🙂

  • Wissendorf says:

    I turned up at the workshop this morning Jack, to find my workmates in a state of open rebellion. The locks on my toolbox had been changed and access to the engine bay was blocked. “No more work for you, mate ” I was firmly informed. “Time you rested up”. They’ve been at me for weeks to kick back and prepare for Friday, but they weren’t taking no for an answer today. A slab of Bundy and Coke (awful stuff but I’ll suffer it) appeared and although it’s only 9am, we all now have a rosy glow. Ribald comments are flowing about what new appendages I may acquire from becoming part cow and the only work that will get done around here today is the unloading of the 3 containers with the fruits of my American treasure hunt. The trucks will be here shortly.

    I’m sure you have colleagues who are looking out for you as you travel back to good health, and I’m sure you take comfort and place high value on their support. These bastards, though are just bloody priceless. They couldn’t know how much their support means to me. I have family things to attend tomorrow, and admission is 8.30 Friday, so this may be my last input for a while. All being well I’ll be back soon. You’ve a nice bunch of folks here. See you all on the flip side.

  • Lou oTOD says:

    Security is a relative phenomenon in today’s world. We jumped on a train from Valencia to Barcelona yesterday, and you’d think with all the Catalonian independence upheaval (which has fizzled out overnight) there would be a fair amount of screening. Just rocked up,and jumped into our carriage. It seems the disaster of Madrid is long forgotten.

    By contrast, arriving in Guangzhou in transit mind you, we had five passport checks including three in the space of ten meters, plus a hand luggage and very personal body scan. It must be an employment project.

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