Humble servant of the Nation

Neymar dives to greatness, amid global ridicule

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Brazilian striker Neymar has become a global joke, a somersaulting clown, a diver and a prima donna.

In a sport where being in the vertical should be a distinct advantage, Neymar, sometimes Neymar Junior (full name, Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior), has accumulated a reported 14 minutes in the World Cup competition thus far, writhing about on the deck in horrible pain, before getting lightly to his feet, sprinting off and scoring yet another goal.

Certainly, if Neymar, was an AFL player, he’d be dragged, forced to sit on the pine and think about what he did. In rugby, he’d be stomped mercilessly at the breakdown. In NRL, he’d almost certainly be killed. In soccer, or football at the insistence of my editor, he’s a gun and may one day become the greatest of all time.

SBS commentator, Craig Foster, declared him “a genius”, albeit a flawed one. Mozart was a genius. Michelangelo, too. No doubt. Unless Neymar is scribbling down a piano concerto in A Major or resolving the intrinsic paradox of transcendental bijection in the spacetime continuum before banging the ball into the back of the net, I suspect he comes up short in the genius stakes.

Full column here.


  • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

    Looking forward to your new blog on Trump, Mr. Insider, have read in full. Was talking to my dear friend in Greenville South Carolina in the last 12 hours and her, a Trump supporter, is 120% behind Trump as always. We see things from a funny point of view here in Australia, as they see us too in fact. Trump has been very clever to continually go round the Country doing Rallies and in 2 years from now when the Elections are on he will am sure have cemented his Presidency ready for the 2nd 4-year term. Time will tell of course. We here have our own uncertain Electoral position with Turnbull and Shorten to contend with FGS. Cheers hope the mechanics of your great Blog can be fixed soon.

  • Razor says:

    Jeez you’re coping it over the wall with the latest article!

    Also I keep getting Jack Sprats details up. Ive ordered him a couple of new shirts, a hairdryer and a rather decent looking blonde.

  • BASSMAN says:

    Trivalve says:
    JULY 17, 2018 AT 8:54 AM
    I have medical issues too Bi-they are all written down by me and known by my family all of which can easily be passed on…we do not need all of this surveillance. People with VERY serious medical issues wear medallions. If individuals are concerned, carry a note in your wallet-much better than risking your identity being stolen and better than having data collected on you and possibly hacked for the next 70yrs if you are a kid! Its not rocket science! Remember anything can be hacked eventually and even the govt has admitted the system is not secure and can even be overridden by police, health workers . The number of people who err on the side of caution as you have does not add up when you consider what we are forfeiting. Any day now I expect Dutts to start running around screaming terrorists’, ‘national security’ , ‘control of our border ‘in some crazy attempt to link all of this up with My Health.

  • Dismayed says:

    1.6 million people in Australia on a temporary visa that allows them to work and undercut wages and conditions. Just how the coalition want it. they say one thing and of the opposite. Interesting Australia has 1.1 million unemployed and over 850,000 people underemployed looking for more work. No surprises.

  • Dismayed says:

    the coalition and specifically potato head have been caught out again misleading the nation. immigration numbers released last week show a drop in migration but potato failed to say that those on bridging visa’s had increased by over 40,000 in the last 12 months or that last year saw the most people ever coming into the country. potato head could not lie straight in bed. C’mon Australia vote this despicable unit out for the Nations sake. We are gearing up for another election on divisive xenophobic nationalist white Australia policy by the coalition and its new official partner phony. the coalition have nothing else but divisiveness and hate speech. No surprises.

  • Razor says:

    Well they said it would never go ahead. Due to China, Germany, India and most of the rest off the world seeing the advantages in thermal coal things are starting to fire again. It could have been us be we were way too smart. Imagine the Greens ‘gifting’ money to the big Gentailers!

  • Milton says:

    Read about this blokes personal life and you will realise he was not a bloke to get in a shout with:é_the_Giant

  • Milton says:

    The mass media hysteria of hate for Trump continues unabated. Is he expected to curtsey before the Queen, shirtfront Putin, payroll the defence of others?
    Meanwhile the EU is weakened, comprised, ghettoised by the unelected, faceless and unaccountable PC paper shuffling pedants in Brussels.

    • Trivalve says:

      He’s meant to follow protocol with the Queen (and it would have been explained to him) and value his own country and its institutions over whatever it is he has going with Putin. The payroll bit, maybe.

      I’m sure your pinup boy Tony would have got the Queen bit right.

      Trump blog coming. Let er rip!

  • jack says:

    I think this assessment has some merit, it turns out Trump does have some unusual political skills,

    “Democratic pollster John Zigby doesn’t care much for many of President Trump’s policies and thinks the man is rude, but he’s also coming to the conclusion that the Republican has something very big going for him.

    “Some people just know how to win,” said Zogby, who didn’t think Trump would make it out of the Republican primaries in 2016.

    After two years of polling on Trump, Zigby said that the president is emerging as an unusual non-politician who has confounded his critics and even his own party leaders by succeeding on an aggressive agenda that has pleased his supporters.”

    Mind you, we should have picked this up earlier, his one line put downs were devastatingly effective in the primaries,

    ‘Low Energy Jeb’, and ‘Little Marcio’ took out the best funded and then the most popular candidate in a week or so.

    Now that is brilliant politics, even if you don’t agree with the man.

    Similarly his Make America Great Again was the only memorable slogan.

    Now what was Hillary’s, It really is my turn this time?

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