Humble servant of the Nation

Students’ climate change strike is a walk in the park

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Picture: Mark Metcalfe

The wolves are at the door. The barbarians are at the gate. In the streets of our major cities, the Visigoths and Vandals come in the form of spotty-faced, badly dressed humans, bearing backpacks, bottled water and moral certainty.  

By mid-afternoon, capitalism could be a tyre fire and by the morning, our new overlord could be a 15-year-old girl who likes hip-hop, chatting with friends on FaceTime and global conquest.    

In response to the national and global rallies, Australian commentators invoked Stalin, Lenin and Mao. Boil them all up in your Pol Pot and we’re good to go.

More particularly, the arguments went, the spotty-faced ones should be sent to their rooms and be given no Marxist dialectics for supper.

Then it is only a matter of time before we are dragged out of our cars while waiting at the drive through of fast food restaurants, and torn limb from limb. The newspaper boy could be planning to burn our houses to the ground.

It has all got a bit silly.  

My question is, when did we become opposed to freedoms of assembly, association, movement and expression?

Hundreds of thousands of the nation’s kids will enjoy these freedoms today and express their fears and frustrations at the uncertainty of their future and that of the planet we all live on.   

You don’t have to like it, you don’t even have to understand it, but you should respect it.

Frankly, I don’t think our federal parliamentarians have got a dog in this fight or if they do it is a toothless cavoodle who remains stubbornly asleep on the couch.

When asked about hashtag climatestrike, Bill Shorten had five bob each way, as Bill is prone to do.

“Kids are allowed to have opinions,” he said yesterday. But there was a caveat. There always is with Bill. “In an ideal world, they would protest after school hours and on weekends.”

He went on to say the government had been “On strike about climate policy for the last five-and-a-half years.”

“(Scott Morrison and his government) are really not the best role models for the kids on climate policy, are they?”

I would have thought a former union boss would understand the basic principles of a strike but there you go. His comments were more than an each-way bet. Bill took two fields in the quinella with a complicated boxed trifecta thrown in for good measure.

I’d love to be his bookie.

On the other side of the divide, Liberal senator, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells decided to blame Tony Abbott’s opponent in Warringah, Zali Steggall.

“Why,” the Senator tweeted, “is Zali Steggal encouraging kids to wag school to go to a climate rally? Kids shouldn’t be brainwashed but if they really want to protest, let it be on their own time.”

The federal parliament has sat for a neat seven days in 2019. By the May election, it will be nine days. Over the same period, school students around the country have been in the classroom for 90.

Seven sitting days to date. If our federal parliamentarians took a leaf out of the students’ book and went on strike, how would we know the difference?

Seriously, if the Canberra mob decided to pull the pin, how would we even tell?

According to Finance Minister, Matthias Cormann, wages in Australia should be linked to productivity. By my back of the envelope calculations, the productivity of federal MPs is down a whopping 800 per cent on previous year and that’s not based on an excruciating time and motion analysis but merely on the days they bother to turn up. Yet, at the end of each month the Commonwealth pays your bog ordinary MP a base salary of almost $17,000 and that doesn’t include perks, a car and too may expense allowances to list here.

I could also mention that in the dark days of the August spill last year the doors to the House of Representatives were locked shut because the government feared it would lose its majority on the floor and be hurled off the Treasury benches.

Truth be told, it was more lock out than a strike. But the fact remains, when it comes to our MPs, it is a case of the old teacher’s axiom, do as I say, not as I do.

By the time you read this article, hundreds of thousands of children will have gathered in the nation’s capitals and regional cities. There is bound to be a bit of bad language, amusing and sometimes rude placards and a bit of good-natured hoppo-bumpo with the rozzers.  

We shouldn’t be too bothered about this either. It is the job of youth to mock authority. Indeed, if they didn’t do it, I’d be worried. I would fear the generation, sometimes called the i-Generation but more properly referred to as millennials, were nothing more than a race of sullen automatons staring at their phones. That they are to a degree politically active and informed is cause for celebration not condemnation.  

A month ago, we had actual Nazis congregating on St Kilda Beach. At the time, I heard no apocalyptic predictions from the commentariat. Indeed, the general view then was that these people, appalling as they are, were entitled to congregate, meander about menacingly and generally be as awful as they possibly can be.

And that view is the correct one. Again, you don’t have to like it, but you should respect it.  

By comparison with that ugly little episode, the climate rallies held today will be a walk in the park.

Take a packed lunch, kids. Drink plenty of water. Pack a jumper. Don’t catch a chill. Enjoy your freedoms. Have your say. Oh, and apply sun block. The sun’s a killer these days.

This column was first published in The Australian on 15 March, 2019.


  • wraith says:

    Telling it like it really is. Integrity. Wow. Of course, the evil here will crush here and she’ll never work again, but you know, good on her.

  • Milton says:

    Good on Tayla Harris for making an articulate stand against sad, perverted grubs.

    • Mack the Knife says:

      Don’t know what the comments were about the photo, but I have a lively imagination. Maybe the editor who agreed to publish the photo should give himself an uppercut. In reality, there is nothing wrong with the photo, but it’s a sick world out there, and a photo like that will bring the worst out in some people every time. A photo from a different angle would still have shown the brilliant athleticism of the young lady, and probably kept the trolls minds above their belt buckles. As a father of a young girl, I would not want to see a photo of my daughter published in the media from that angle. C’mon 7AFL, get your shit together, don’t give the trolls a free kick.

      Hope the young lady is as strong as she appears to be, no need for her to get a complex because of some neanderthal knuckleheads.

      • Dismayed says:

        PFFFFT talk about “neanderthal knuckleheads” You have just told us all you are no better than those trolls you mention. I suppose a photo of girl in a bikini is her just asking to be attacked too? Wake up MTK.

        • Mack the Knife says:

          Is there any oxygen on the planet you inhabit? Read the comment again, ye of the comprehension deficit.
          “In reality, there is nothing wrong with the photo, but it’s a sick world out there, and a photo like that will bring the worst out in some people every time.”

          What part of “in reality, there is nothing wrong with the photo” don’t you comprehend?

          No wonder Jack is going to terminate the comments, thanks a lot for that by the way. Perhaps I had you in mind when I mentioned knuckleheads.

        • Mack the Knife says:

          That comment says way more about you than anything I wrote, what a shallow character you were, and still are. I remembered you from way back when, working for odes, you had a chip on your shoulder back then, it seems to have cloned itself onto your other shoulder. At least now you’re evenly balanced. Thank goodness I never had the displeasure of having someone so dismaying on my crew.

          You know what, I don’t think I’ll even wait until the election. Now I know this thing is coming to an end, I’m out of here.

          Thank you Jack, I will continue to read your articles though, I enjoy the way you think / write.

          • Jack The Insider says:

            Thanks, Mack. Yeah the time has come. i am so busy these days, I find it hard to moderate all the comments. We’ll keep going until the next federal election but shut it down on polling day.

  • Milton says:

    Does the Qantas Chairman’s Lounge have left and right wing areas?

  • Dismayed says:

    Whether he is here or not razor is again proven wrong. There has been an Explosion of federal government spending since 2016. $153 Billion in amended contracts in the last couple of years. ” What they are is a commitment, under contract, to future expenditures. A commitment that the current LNP government may never have to fulfil – assuming Labor comes to power – but “will be hung around the almost certain incoming ALP government’s neck like an albatross. Contracts worth billions of dollars that will hamstring the ALP’s ability to allocate funds to those initiatives the ALP prioritises”.”
    “The other point to make about the apparently reckless binge on untendered contracts is that much of it is struck directly with corporate entities of foreign manufacturers which are domiciled offshore. This means that billions of dollars are escaping Australia’s tax net.” Doubled all National debt since 1890 in the last 5 years. Worst Government in Nations history.

  • wraith says:

    Just a ps to my last on the ignorant Turks. I guess if we are true to tradition we should nail the ambassador’s shoe to his forehead, then send him back.
    Its how its done you know… lol

  • wraith says:

    Actually, pulling in the Turkish ambassador isnt enough. The Turks have threatened to put our people in coffins.
    ENOUGH ALREADY!! An immediate import ban on all Turkish goods. Anything on the wharfs from Turkey, can sit there. Come on wharfies, where are you when we need you to get involved! Strike!!
    No more trade, they can stick their apricots where they like. They really are not worth the trouble to us.
    And after the chat, send the ambassador home. See, that’s how a real leader with balls would do it. Sad we have a creepy christian.

    • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

      We can’t upset the Turks Wraith as that’s where Gallipoli is and Aussies go there year in year out for the ANZAC Service held at dawn. Have been there myself its a very solemn location.
      They have already scarred the location by putting a road through right alongside ANZAC Cove.
      Let them huff and puff it will all go away, but I do see your point. Cheers

      • Mack the Knife says:

        Don’t need to go to Turkey to celebrate ANZAC Day. Why give them your hard earned anyway? Erdogan is a very deluded, chest thumping piece of work.

  • wraith says:

    And then on the insanity of religious d****heads in general….
    So now we are being insulted, and will be returned in coffins. I love Islam, I really do, its such an, embracing religion. Like all the others. It should be banned, all literature should be confiscated, piled up with the bibles and the child raping priests and burnt. The whole damn lot.
    It causes nothing but endless evil and division. You cant argue with that, its the truth, plain and simple.
    If you are on your knees to a god, give us all a break, get up and grow up!

  • Boadicea says:

    I don’t have an issue with kids being used to hammer the message home. They had fun.
    However I read a comment somewhere that began. “I am an 11yr old from WA and ” ……… and it proceeded into an essay on climate change. Clearly not written by an 11yr old. I didn’t bother with it. What would have given it more credence perhaps was an opening sentence like “I am the parent of an 11yr old from WA”……
    As we head to the election I may take a break from the blog.
    What used to be a mix of friendly, intelligent and interesting discussion seems to have evolved into Dismayed’s daily manifesto’s from various publications and the subsequent denigration of any intelligent response. I’m tired of being labelled as someone I am not by some ignoramus. I don’t have to justify my opinion to that sort of tripe.. Sorry..there is plenty going on here in “oaky oaks”, as he calls it, to keep one busy!.
    Take care all. And Bella, enjoy your trip to China! Look me up if you ever get down here. Happy for JTI to give you my email.

    • Dismayed says:

      JTI is correct, histrionic personality disorder is running amok.. Firstly this blog was running beautifully before you arrived. If you come up with something almost “intelligent and interesting” I would give it the reverence it deserves after picking myself up off the floor. Just move along without trying to blame others others. NANA Na Na Nana na na hey hey hey goodbye.

      • JackSprat says:

        Dismayed, your maturity is only exceeded by the depth of your analysis and that has a nano in front of it.

        • Dismayed says:

          JS you stick to your prepper echo chambers and confirmation bias opinion pieces. The real world is way too big for scared weird little guys like you.

      • jack says:

        Just to be perfectly clear about this, I hope I will always stand up for someone to have a point of view and not be driven out of the debate, whether I agree with them or not.

        So that means you Dismayed as well, I am pleased that you continue to bore me shitless with your endless Talking Points, but don’t make the mistake of trying to push others out of the public square.

      • Mack the Knife says:

        Nananana Hey hey hey goodbye by Steam (The Band)

        So how old were you in 1969 when that song was a #1 hit for Steam? Seems funny you are familiar with one hit wonders from the 60’s. I think you are a lot older than you make out, it’s only your comments that are immature.

      • Mack the Knife says:

        The irony is delicious. You picked a clip in which the character is a psychotic, right wing nut job. Well done by the way, you are 2 for 2 this week.

        • Dismayed says:

          You must be really really short MTK because that went straight over your head. you just dont understand W O R D S do you.

      • Penny says:

        Dismayed….seriously?? I get heartily sick of Henry, CotC etc. pushing the conservative line and and I don’t really care if Boa stays or leaves, but can you give the abuse a break…please

    • Bella says:

      Hey don’t go Boa, just scroll on. You’re like our own private Tassie reporter & I will miss your updates!
      Thanks re China, it’s getting close. I’ll tell you about it when I’m next in Hobart. Regards, Bella

    • Jean Baptiste says:

      Goodness gracious me! Ole Dismayed, that straight shootin’ gunslinger puts two new notches on the old pistola in one week!
      Ya reckon yer just winged ’em Dynamite Dis? Or sent ’em off to Blogger Boot Hill? Or yer reckon they ‘re fixin on just laying up a bit featuring to come whooping and hollering back into Dodge when they gets theys strength back?
      I feature theys out a lonesome ranch someplace improving theys aim shooting ole whisky bottles of’n the top of fence posts like they do in the movies.
      I mighta reckoned they ought to go The Basil Marceaux Gunfighter Academy, but dang, look what happened to Henry. He’s faster than lightning but he couldnt hit a cow in the ass with a handful of wheat!

    • jack says:

      Personally, I would be disappointed if you leave, I rather enjoy your contributions.

      a bit of a different perspective which we need.

      Of course, you might get marked down for having inferior cutting and pasting skills, I know I have been, as for some these seem to be a core requirement, indeed the only one.

      Hang about it might get more interesting.

      • Jack The Insider says:

        I see Boa on Facebook and you and others. Giving serious consideration to shutting down comments altogether. I’ll wait until after the federal election and see then. What I don’t want going forward is a blog dominated by two or three commenters and that seems to be happening now. Waste of time for me.

        • Penny says:

          Yes JTI I agree, people come and go for various reasons, I’ve been here since 2009 and remember when the contributors were varied and interesting. Boa can stay or leave, doesn’t matter, Dismayed is incredibly painful, but a necessary evil, Bella and Milton necessary to success of this blog, Razor great contributions , TV always good value etc.etc. Henry…meh…my point is that everyone needs to take a break from this blog…but Boa does it often with dramatic statements and is back a week later…sigh. Lighten up everyone, you could be sitting in the path of a cyclone…..oh wait we are…:)

          • Jack The Insider says:

            It probably is time to finish up after the next election. The blog will run without comments. I see many of you on Twitter and Facebook and by email, so it won’t be goodbye at all. Take care with the cyclone – is it Trevor? Anything called Trevor is bound not to be good.

            • Milton says:

              If so, your reasons are certainly understandable but it’s going to be hard for the missus as she alone will bear the brunt of my poo-pooing of the world. You’ve been great, as has the blog, and i’ll miss you and the comments section and the good folk on it big time. The silver lining is you keep on writing your brilliant articles. The cloud could be me getting on twitter and boring you senseless!!
              ps i’ll make a point of e-mailing you when Abbott becomes PM, just to say I told youse so!!
              Cheers and good health.

        • Penny says:

          Trevor has spluttered out and is now an ex-cyclone. Wasn’t that long ago that Cyclone Penny was going to be very, very catastrophic…alas only to become an ex-cyclone after two days.

  • jack says:

    To be clear the only real reason for the EU was to allow Germany to become strong again without tanks rolling across the border and stormtroopers marching down the Champs, which the French considered untidy.

    as that won’t happen, what is the point of it?

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