Humble servant of the Nation

Royal Commission: where to from here?

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I was interviewed for the ABCs documentary, Undeniable, which examined the events leading up to the establishment of the royal commission into institutional responses to child sex abuse.

Towards the conclusion of the interview I was asked what my expectations were after the Commission handed down its final report.

“Well, what do we want do, burn another generation of children and get back to this in thirty years?”

Some might see that as a flippant remark and perhaps understandably, it found its way to the floor in an editor’s suite.

I thought it was a reasonable point to make because that is where we are now.

Full column here.


  • Huger Unson says:

    Jack, the image gallery at has 3 pics from the sign-off, showing the Commissioners, G-G, and two from Cosgrove’s office. I can only guess that some past PMs asked to be in the background, but the physical space available could not accommodate them. I can imagine those few were well there, in spirit. A few other past leaders (including PMs) should have been dragged into the tableau by their bravado. If Turnbull looks closely at the pic he may see ghosts, thousands of them. Seems to me, Jack, that Party loyalty, rank hubris and selfies are the flavour of the day.
    Never mind, words are cheap, too.

    • Jack The Insider says:

      I’m afraid current and former PMs have been busy at Bennelong and the cricket. You do know the selection of Peter Hollingworth for GG wasn’t a captain’s pick, don’t you? It was more of a captain’s wife’s pick.

  • Boadicea says:

    It’s unfathomable that someone can relate a heinous crime in the confessional and not be reported to authorities.
    The church becomes an accessory after the fact surely?
    The church may have been the law in the Middle Ages – not any more.

    • Jack The Insider says:

      The rules of evidence in most states are grey and uncertain when it comes to the confessional. It’s certainly not a carte blanche protection but prosecutions that involve admissions made in the confessional are almost non existent not necessarily due to religious sensitivities but because they rely on hearsay. We would be better focusing on other issues, not getting obsessed about this one.

    • Boadicea says:

      So Archbishop Hart reckons the confessional is “a serious spiritual matter” Yeah sure. Some of the stuff they hid behind the confessional grid doesn’t seem very spiritual to me.
      Does the constitution of this country have to be amended to sort this one out, Jack?
      Surely the church can no longer regard itself as above the law?

      • Jack The Insider says:

        No constitutional change. it would come down to state and territory law amending their evidence acts. I’m not sure it’s worth all the trouble it will cause.

    • Razor says:

      Catholicism revolves around confession, repentance and forgiveness. They won’t give that up. They will conscientiously object. There was a time some centuries ago when the church could forgive you for sins you hadn’t yet committed including mortal sins. Go figure…..

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